Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024 – in review

PUBLISHED: June 12, 2024
Everyone agrees what a wonderful weekend was had by all, and it was brilliant to see Partington Theatre playing a huge part in people’s enjoyment.

Well Done Glossop

WhaT a WEEKEnd it Was

We’ve now had a week to recover and reflect; the tables, chairs and fine china have been lovingly packed away; the props are back in the cupboard and the bunting has been taken down. Well, most of it.

Everyone agrees what a wonderful weekend was had by all, and it was brilliant to see Partington Theatre playing a huge part in people’s enjoyment.

It was the first time the theatre has been involved in quite a while and was only possible thanks to the willingness, professionalism and passion of our band of valiant volunteers. Definitely a baptism of fire for many of our newer recruits, who responded as we knew they would, and in keeping with the theme of the weekend, drawing on the wartime spirit, and bringing not just their best, but more besides.

Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024

From the stalwarts in our Mess Hall Cafe, and the team manning the gazebo, to those inside the theatre itself, who were either running workshops or performing on stage. There really was something for everyone.

Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024
Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024
Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024

The feedback we’ve had has been amazing. We’ve had people raving about the tea and cakes; commenting on the orbeez lucky dip (those orbeez weren’t to everyone’s liking), and the fun had by everyone that attended the Youth Drama workshops led fabulously by drama teacher, Hope. And that’s before we mention the responses from those that saw our two amazing performances, both of which were performed seven times each by a dedicated cast and crew.

Driving Mr Diddy, a three hander, one-act ran for about 12 minutes. But what an action packed 12 minutes it was. You’d never guess that the three high-class actors had only had limited preparation and rehearsal time. They were all clearly in their element.

Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024
Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024

This was followed by a brand new melodrama, The Gloss Hop, specially written for the Heritage Weekend. It saw a faultless cast travelling through time to save the day, and just maybe fix the future of Glossop’s potholes!

Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024
Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024
Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024
Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024
Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024

Saturday evening saw an emotional night of stories from Glossop’s past, recounting memories of World War 2 in Matthew Cox’s Courage to Continue. With music from the beautiful voices of Let’s Sing choir and Glossop Old Band there was little room left on stage by the end of act two and not a dry eye in the house.

Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024
Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024

Of course, a massive thanks must go to the Glossop and District Round Table for organising the weekend, and to the public for turning out in such numbers. But most of all, we want to celebrate our perfect pack of Partington Volunteers, for making our little corner of the weekend the most joyous place to be.  See you next time!

Glossop Heritage Weekend 2024


HERitaGE EVEnts 2024

Do you wish to become an effective part of our vibrant and hard-working Theatre?

If so, we would love to hear from you!

This Theatre is run by Volunteers

REcEnt tHEatRE nEws

Glossop Heritage Celebration

Glossop Heritage Celebration

Glossop Heritage Weekend is happening this Friday 31st May- Sunday 2nd June 2024. Partington Theatre are playing a major part of it.

Restoration Fund Relaunched

Restoration Fund Relaunched

Restoration work is necessary to maintain the building so that it may be passed onto future generations as a viable base for amateur theatre.

UPcOMinG sHOws