join partington Theatre

The director has overall creative control of a play, being the one to create the vision, and being ultimately responsible for making it happen.

Directing is a huge responsibility, you are putting on a play on behalf of the Partington Players, for a paying audience.  There is lots of support from the creative teams around you, but ultimately it is your vision of how a play should be staged, and it is your responsibility to put it together. 


Responsibilities of the Director includes:

  • From the beginning of the submission process in January, through to your actual performance there is much to do.  Directors submit their script to the Theatre Secretary in January.
  • The script panel meets in March to discuss and chose the plays for the following season, directors are then informed if they have been successful or not.  At this point pre-production meetings begin, and audition dates set.  Auditions are held by the end of May, except for the youth play which may be auditioned in September.  Set, lighting and SFX designs are submitted in May.
  • Once the season has begun each show has six weeks in production and rehearsals, then one week of performance, with the exception of Panto which breaks almost every rule!
  • Rehearsals are Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, with the final Thursday and Sunday set aside for Tech and Dress rehearsals.  Additional weekend rehearsals may be made available at the theatre’s discretion, if required.  Additionally, the director needs to be at Set Nights on Tuesdays during the production period.


The directing process begins in January when plays are submitted for the following season. The commitment is significant and requires dedication. 


A firm understanding of your script, a well thought out plan and organisation to make it happen.


You don’t need to be Stalin, but you do need to be able to command a performance out of your Actors…good luck!

Volunteers Wanted


Do you wish to become an effective part of our vibrant and hard-working Theatre?

If so, we would love to hear from you!

This Theatre is run by Volunteers

UPcOMinG sHOws

There are no upcoming events at this time.