Quiz Night

Quiz Night

Join us for the second quiz of 2024, including a special round on famous seconds.
After a very democratic vote from the regular quizzers, we are returning to the pre Covid model of the night, we are bringing back the snacks!!! So, for the princely sum of £2.50 per person you will now get Glossop’s ‘Finest’ quality snacks to enjoy alongside your quiz.
Those of you who are regulars know how much fun a Partington Quiz is. They are run by volunteers, for the joy of entertaining your lovely selves, and raising funds for the upkeep of the building. Whilst they are not the biggest of earners, as a certain slogan says, every little helps, and we have fun along the way.
This month’s Quiz Master is new to the role here, but a very experienced QM elsewhere, so please join James as we delve in to another fantastic quiz night.
Bar opens 7.30pm
First question 8pm
£2.50 per person, teams of up to 6, all welcome

Quiz Night

February 8, 2024 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm £1