Glossopdale Soup- The Bureau

Glossopdale Soup- The Bureau


A community fundraising event targeting projects/ideas that benefit the community. These projects can be anything, with no restrictions. It is up to the paying attendees to vote on whether they think your idea is good for the community. 3-4 projects will have 4 minutes to pitch their idea. They can pitch for a set amount or contribution to their target.

For those attending the evening as guests, it is a great opportunity to socialise and have a say in your community, with music provided by Dark Peak Music, a bar and of course – Soup! Once you have seen all the pitches, donating attendees will be given the opportunity to vote on which project they would like to see funded.

Tickets cost £5 as a recommended donation, but you can give more as a contribution to the projects being pitched. All funds go to the projects and any remaining funds are put towards future pots and Glossopdale Soup Events.

Spaces are limited, so to avoid disappointment you can book in advance by emailing

A community fundraising event targeting projects/ideas that benefit the community.


If there are any remaining tickets, these will be made available on the door.