join partington Theatre

The dressing room is home to the whole cast for the duration of a performance and the dressing room team is responsible for ensuring everyone, and their costumes, are looked after.

During smaller productions actors are expected to look after themselves and their costumes, but when it comes to a cast of 15+ it gets a bit chaotic, especially for panto when we have younger performers as well.

The dressing room team consists of a dressing room manager who has oversight of everything that is going on and works with the costume department. Dressers help with quick or complicated costume changes. Makeup artists help with more complicated styles for Panto. Chaperones look after our younger performers.  


Responsibilities of the Dressing Room includes:

  • Everyone mucks in and makes sure everyone is on stage in the correct costume!
  • It’s important to be at enough rehearsals to know what is going on, and to do more than one night.


It’s helpful if you can do a full show run. However, doing a few days during a panto run means you can still watch the show.  


Organisation, quick thinking and an eye for detail.


It helps to be a people person and happy getting close to bodies you don’t know; you’ll see more than you bargained for!

Volunteers Wanted


Do you wish to become an effective part of our vibrant and hard-working Theatre?

If so, we would love to hear from you!

This Theatre is run by Volunteers

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