Open Invite Night
You are all invited.
We are opening up our doors to new and prospective members! Always wondered what goes on in a theatre? Want to voluteer your time in a lively community? Interested to find out what goes on behind the scenes?
Come along on Thursday 6th February an talk to current members about all things theatre. There is so much more to putting on a show that just acting, from set painting to lighting design, costumes to props, front of house to backstage, from 9 to 99 (well, almost!) there is a role for everyone. We have a fabulous group of young volunteers who get involved and octoganarians still nimbly heading up ladders, there are definitley no age limits here!
So grab a friend and come down, there will be cake, the bar will be open for the usual, along with soft and hot drinks, whatever is your tipple!